Criminal Trial Consulting

courtroomAs a criminal defense attorney, it is your duty to protect the freedom and rights of your client. You must develop a strong, flawless, and effective case that provides appropriate evidence and well-organized arguments, thus winning the case, or at least minimizing sentences and penalties. Lawrence Wolf, skilled California criminal defense attorney, assists other criminal defense lawyers with trial preparation and trial consulting. Whether you have many years experience in criminal defense or are just starting out your career as an attorney, every lawyer needs assistance from time to time either with how to present certain witnesses to the court, or help with deciding what theory suits the defendants case.

Lawrence Wolf has been helping people charged with crimes for more than 40 years. As a specialist in the field of criminal law, he is a recognized expert in sex crimes, white collar crimes, drug charges, domestic violence, drunk driving, juvenile law, and addiction-related offenses. Lawrence Wolf has prosecuted and defended thousands of adults and juveniles charged with every kind of misdemeanor and felony crime.

His experience representing both the prosecution and defense in his career provides him with a unique understanding of the different approaches an attorney can take in various types of trials. Lawrence Wolfs familiarity with both sides of the argument gives any criminal defense case he works on, or provides counsel for, leverage when deciding what course of action to take. During your criminal trial preparation and consulting, he will advise you and your law team on how to collect all of your resources and how to utilize new resources that you have yet to master.

As your California criminal trial consultant, Lawrence Wolf will make available to you multiple levels of training, consultation, and support for the case you and/or your team are preparing for trial. A top criminal defense attorney should do everything possible to help clients avoid jail time. Considering that Lawrence Wolf has broken new ground for his clients in criminal cases by achieving alternative sentencing, such as house arrest and diversionary programs, he can teach you how to integrate this approach into your criminal defense strategy. The more successful your trials are in court, the more you will maximize your firms capabilities and attain more clients.

Along with Lawrence Wolf Los Angeles DUI Defense Team Member Laura McCabe, Lawrence Wolf has established The Center for Law and Addiction, which offers treatment designed to tackle the issues at the core of many criminal offenses. With the aid of Lawrence Wolf, your criminal case preparation can benefit with this management plan in mind for your client.

To ensure that you and your team are well prepared and confident going to trial, contact the top California criminal trial preparation and consulting law firm of Lawrence Wolf. They have your skills best interest as an attorney in mind and want to help bring your knowledge and experience to its full potential.

Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney Disclaimer: The felony, misdemeanor, traffic, criminal defense, drunk driving, DUI, theft, drugs, three strikes law, juvenile law, or other legal criminal defense information presented at this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice, nor the formation of a lawyer or attorney client relationship. Any results portrayed here were dependent on the facts of that case and the results will differ if based on different facts.