Understanding License Suspension after a DUI in Los Angeles
If you have ever tried to get around Los Angeles or even Southern California without a vehicle, you can imagine how difficult it must be to have a suspended license. Los Angeles residents who have their license suspended often experience negative consequences financially, professionally, and socially. If you are arrested on suspicion of drunk driving in Los Angeles, you may face a lengthy license suspension. The length of that suspension will usually depend on your driving record and the circumstances of the incident, such as your blood alcohol level.
A first-time drunk driving conviction could result in a six-month license suspension. It is within the court’s discretion to grant a driver a temporary restricted license during his or her suspension. A restricted license will only allow a defendant to drive to work. A full reinstatement will not be issued until after the driver completes the mandatory driving under the influence (DUI) classes, pays the DMV a license reissue fee, and provides proof of financial responsibility.