Understanding Standardized Field Sobriety Tests Used in Los Angeles DUI Cases

When a police officer suspects a driver is driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI), the officer may stop the driver in order to search for more clues that the driver has been drinking. Often, police will have a stopped driver perform one or more tests. Known as thestandardized field sobriety tests, these activities are designed to provide clues for police officers that confirm whether or not a person is driving impaired. The three most common standardized field sobriety tests are the horizontal gaze nystagmus test, the one-leg stand test, and the walk-and-turn test.

The horizontal gaze nystagmus tests whether the driver’s eyes can follow something smoothly, or if the eyes start to jerk involuntarily the further they look to the side. This jerking movement may be a sign of alcohol intoxication. It may also be a sign of several different neurological defects.

Both the one-leg stand test and the walk-and-turn test require the driver to demonstrate balance and agility. Usually, police officers give all the instructions for the test first, and then wait to see how well a driver can remember and follow them. Meanwhile, the officer is looking for any signs that the driver is intoxicated, even though both tests are difficult to perform correctly, even if a person is sober and able-bodied. People who are tired or who have any one of a wide range of neurological or movement problems are far more likely to fail the test than able-bodied people, even if they have not been drinking.

How well or poorly a driver does on the standardized field sobriety tests are often key pieces of evidence in the prosecution’s case charging a driver with a DUI in California. If you are facing drunk driving charges in California, the experienced Los Angeles DUI attorneys at The Law Offices of Lawrence Wolf will examine your case carefully, including the results of any sobriety testing, and will fight for the best possible outcome in your case. For a free and confidential consultation regarding your DUI case, call (310) 277-1707 today.

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Attorney Lawrence Wolf provides strong legal representation for Criminal Defense and DUI Defense Cases.

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