California License Suspension
A person who is arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs may have the dread of a license suspension looming over their future. Many Californians rely heavily on personal automobiles to run important errands, get to and from work, take children to school, and transport themselves to many other vital destinations. The potential of having a suspended license can make a person feel helpless against such inconvenient and stressful consequences at first, but there are many legal options that can be examined and put into action so that you can hold on to your driving privileges.
A driver’s license may be suspended or revoked by the California Department of Motor Vehicles because of an individual’s failure to appear in court, a medical condition, a DUI or several other administrative and criminal violations. After a person is arrested for DUI in California, his or her driver’s license will automatically be suspended. Luckily, the DMV is also legally required to make available to you an administrative hearing before your driver’s license can be taken away.
Far too many drivers do not realize that they can challenge a license suspension in California. However, it is extremely important to note that after a DUI arrest, a person only has ten days to contest their license suspension. If you do not appeal your suspension within ten days of your arrest, your license may be suspended for at least four months. It is important to note that if you are under the age of 21 or if your charge is a repeat DUI, then your license suspension may be for a much lengthier time unless you can get an appeal.
During a typical California DMV hearing to appeal a license suspension after a DUI arrest, the DMV does not particularly care if you were actually intoxicated or whether you are in fact guilty. Instead, the DMV pays attention to whether or not you were operating a vehicle with a blood-alcohol concentration of 0.08 percent or higher. With an experienced attorney on your side, you can expect a strong and effective defense to demonstrate that you do not deserve a license suspension.
At the Law Offices of Lawrence Wolf, our skilled license suspension attorneys understand the many challenges that you have had to endure during your DUI arrest and the days following. In order to ensure that your rights were not infringed upon during your arrest, our criminal defense lawyers will thoroughly examine your case and utilize our years of acquired knowledge and resources to help you keep your driver’s license. If you have been arrested for driving under the influence in California and are concerned about your license being suspended, contact Lawrence Wolf today for a free consultation.