Meth manufacturing is a serious offense in California. This is a state whose southern counties have seen a resurgence of meth addiction, and our state legislators have cracked down as a result. Today the full pipeline of meth manufacturing products may land you in legal trouble, up to and including the possession of excessive amounts of certain cold remedies. Fighting back against such severe penalties is essential if you want to escape the kind of permanent and life-altering sentences that could take you away from your family for years to come. The Los Angeles drug crime defense lawyers at the Law Offices of Lawrence Wolf have been defending clients against these charges for over 30 years.
Meth manufacturing is defined under the law in broad terms, including the criminalization of pseudoephedrine with intent to manufacture methamphetamine or any of its analogs. What this means in practical terms is that the state is now on watch for the ingredients of methamphetamine, and not just the drug itself. Penalties for possession of such chemicals may range from three to seven years in state prison and fines up to $50,000 – hardly the kind of minor offense you can shrug off or defend by yourself. This is why you want to speak with a drug crimes attorney immediately if such a charge is levied.
Meth manufacturing can also include some related and ancillary offenses. For instance, even furnishing the lab equipment to be used to make methamphetamine opens you up to charges of manufacturing. The point of such laws is to break the entire cycle of production, criminalizing every step along the way and treating all contributory parties as equal offenders under the law. It can be difficult to prove intent and accessory to acts of drug manufacture, however, which is where an effective attorney may be able to get yourcharges reduced or dismissed. As always, the key is to record everything in your arrest and look for problems with protocol, evidence, or improper search.
Meth manufacturing is a serious offense, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be defended and defeated. The Law Offices of Lawrence Wolf have been helping clients who are charged with meth manufacture for decades, and in that time we have eared a superior record of successful defense. If you have been charged with this grave crime and want to escape some of the nation’s harshest sentencing guidelines, call The Law Offices of Lawrence Wolftoday for a free consultation.