Under California’s new Proposition 47 law, offenses that once were major felonies have been downgraded to misdemeanors. Offenders who once would have gone to jail for drug possession and theft, are now facing mere warnings and possible fines.
Proposition 47
Proposition 47 was signed into law on November 5, 2014. It has resulted in major changes to the California criminal justice system, some of which have been quite unexpected. The original concept behind the law was to reduce the amount of time nonviolent offenders spent behind bars, and steer penalties for minor offenses towards rehabilitation rather than punishment.
This would also, it was thought, ease the overcrowded conditions in jails. In this, it has succeeded. Inmates suffering county sentences are now serving full sentences since overcrowding has subsided. This means fewer convicts are getting early release.
Fewer Arrests
What has also resulted, however, are fewer arrests for small crimes. Police are viewing arrests for misdemeanors as wasted time, and drug crime lawyers are seeing clients get off with no punishment when they are arrested.
This has had the effect of reducing drug arrests by nearly a third in the city of Los Angeles, and almost 50% in LA County. Those drug offenders that are arrested face warnings and slap-on-the-wrist sentences with no jail time, leaving them free to escalate criminal activity.
Unused Alternatives
While the law provides for the savings gained from reduced incarceration to be put towards drug treatment, mental health and truancy programs, few are taking advantage of these solutions. The increased funding will not go into effect until next year, and many of the convicted simply head back onto the streets.
Project 180, located in downtown L.A., has seen only 27 slots of 62 filled in its court-ordered drug treatment program. Felony prosecutions have slowed, resulting in far fewer referrals.
Property Crime
According to the Los Angeles Times, as narcotics arrests have decreased, property crime has been on the rise, up 7% in Los Angeles and 10% across the county. Motor vehicle thefts saw a 20% increase, vehicle break-ins were up 12%, and retail thefts have increased by the same amount.
Still, despite initial skepticism, criminal justice experts and crime law attorneys remind people that correlation does not equate to causation. It is, they say, too early to draw any conclusions based on the new laws and there could be other factors in play. Time will tell if this new approach works.
If you have been arrested for a drug-related crime, remember that you have the right to an attorney. Be sure that attorney is Lawrence Wolf. For a free consultation, fill out our contact form or call us at [number type=”1″].