One of Disney animated TV’s most recognizable voice stars, Kirsten Storms, was recentlyarrested for DUI in Culver City. Storms was motoring along late at night (3 a.m.), when Culver City police officers saw her flick a cigarette out of her car window. They pulled over her Mercedes-Benz and immediately noticed potential signs of intoxication. After failing multiple sobriety tests, Storms was arrested. Later that evening, she was bailed out for $5,000. Storms is best known for providing the voice of Bonnie Rockwaller, the catty rival of Kim Possible. She is also known for her work in soap operas, such as… Read More
Incredible success has been obtained in overturning DMV Drunk Driving Administration per se suspensions based on DMV’s OWN records. “Check the four corners” of each document, and give special attention to blood and urine result records. Call for inside info.
Does a death in a staged accident equal murder? In the first of its kind prosecution, a personal injury attorney, tried for the accidental death occurring during a staged accident ended in a mistrial. Bold new theories of second degree murder under a new theory of “vicarious liability” are being tested. See People v. Antick, 15 Cal.3d 79 @ p.86 (1975), Taylor v. Superior Court, 3 Cal.3d 578, 584 (1970), People v. Gilbert, 63 Cal.2d 690, 704 (1965). Call me for updates.
Police target tips: don’t get arrested “by accident” – Take detailed notes of your incarcerations. Include taped discussions with witnesses or other parties involved. – Meet and/or review every client or file personally. A disgruntled client today could end up being a snitch tomorrow. – Carefully review all police and accident reports, looking out for any suspicious inconsistencies. – If you are suspicious, investigate before accepting the case. – Trust your instincts – If you have information that proves the case is fraudulent, first confer with your own trained counsel. – Don’t sign your name to any document without careful… Read More
Big Brother “District Attorney” is watching you State and federal agencies, along with the implementation of more effective communication devices has resulted in the “enforcement of insurance fraud in multiple folds” states Los Angeles District Attorney Loren Naiman, assigned to the Special Insurance Fraud Task Force. “We now meet at least once a month to discuss leads in addition to jointly targeting individuals. I’m currently working with a task force involving the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Internal Revenue Service, Postal Department, Department of Insurance, Los Angeles Police Department, and the State bar of California. There will be more MAJOR arrests… Read More
Bail Bondsperson Chickie’s Bail Bonds (310) 545-4513 Bail Deviation/Commissioner L.A. (213)351-5151 O.C. (714) 834-4793 6AM-3PM (714) 647-4581 after 3PM O.R. Release L.A. (213) 974-5821 L.A. County jail (213) 780-2600 Sybil Brand (213) 267-2611
A Nuts and Bolts Primer As a Civil Litigator, you may find yourself in the position of assisting a former or new client in handling what initially appears to be a relatively simple criminal matter. This “nuts and bolts” primer will give you a roadmap through some of the Criminal Justice System pitfalls you may encounter on your trip and alert you when you need the assistance of an experienced criminal attorney. That Midnight Phone call The surprise “midnight phone call” from a client who’s just been arrested is not an uncommon occurrence. When this happens (and it will…) you… Read More
In our premiere issue of the Wolf Report (Fall 1990), we strongly advocated the implementation of a provision to the then new “Stop and Snatch” Law, whereby first offenders would still be allowed to drive to and from work. At that time, no provisions were made permitting first time offenders to continue to drive in the course of their employment. Those provisions that we advocated have now been enacted. First time drunk driving offenders who have had their license revoked by the DMV for four months may now apply for and receive a restricted drivers license from the Department of… Read More
Here are current phone numbers to call should you suspect insurance fraud or abuse: National Insurance Crime Bureau Hotline (800) TEL-NICB California State Department of Insurance Consumer Hotline (800) 927-HELP State Fund Fraud Hotline, for workers’ compensation fraud (800) 683-7283
A new California law targets repeat drunk drivers by requiring installation of an ignition interlock device in their automobiles. This breath analyzer system prevents drivers who have consumed any alcohol from starting their vehicles. The law, effective July 1, 1993, requires drivers with one or more prior convictions to use the device for up to three years. An estimated 65,000 people yearly will be subject to the law, according to the State Dept. of Motor Vehicles. The cost of leasing the device and enrolling in a required course, called the Ignition Interlock Responsible Driver Program, is $600 to $700 per… Read More